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Total Rewards_2-1 Short Paper - Precision Performance Case Study

Total Rewards_2-1 Short Paper - Precision Performance Case Study

Q In preparation for writing this short paper, read the assigned chapters, including the case study "Appraising Performance at Precision" in Chapter 3. Then answer the following questions: • What are some problems with Precision's performance appraisal process that might cause challenges for Jackson to implement a merit pay program? • What changes do you recommend Precision make to the performance appraisal process to align it with a merit pay program?

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Merit pay can be regarded as an increase in pay on the basis of a set of standards that the employer sets. Some problems are there with their process of performance appraisal that can lead to some difficulties for Jackson when efforts are made by him for execution of a new program of merit pay while situation of Precision is taken into consideration (Martocchio, 2016).